How to Fill Out Your Resume + Copy Over Old Resume (Updated for 2025)

Before You Begin (Hot Template Tips)

1) Work in small sections

2) Do not stuff your text boxes or change the text box sizes

3) Use the shortcut keys to make the process easy! (Listed below)

4) If you are on a PC computer, switch the CMD to CTRL key.

Starting Your Resume from Scratch (It's Easy!)

1. Highlight text in small sections

2. Start typing (removing old text and keeps formatting)

Microsoft Word (Copy Over from Old Resume)

1. Highlight a small section on your old resume

2. Go to the Edit Menu > Copy

3. Go to your new resume template and highlight text to replace

2. Go to the Edit Menu > Paste and Match Formatting

Short Cut 

      Apple Pages (Copy Over from Old Resume)

      • Copy old resume text (copy in small sections)
      • Highlight old resume text > right-click > select copy
      • Go to your new template > highlight section
      • Go to main menu > Edit > Paste and Match Style
      • Learn more here (Canada) (USA)

      Google Docs (Copy Over from Old Resume)

      • Copy old resume text (copy in small sections)       
      • Right-click and select Paste  > Paste Without Formatting